Laurie Lewis, Suzy Thompson, AJ Lee & Dana Frankel To Lead Bands On CBA Float During June 25 SF Pride Parade

Laurie Lewis
AJ Lee

The Northern California Bluegrass Society will welcome the California Bluegrass Association Bluegrass Pride Float in the San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade on Sunday, June 25, 2017 in San Francisco.

Dana Frankel

Three bluegrass bands led by Laurie Lewis, Suzy Thompson, and AJ Lee & Dana Frankel will perform on the CBA parade float itself and a Marching Unit Open To Bluegrass Fans of any sexual orientation will follow. If you are not able to walk in the parade, you can make a reservation to ride on a FREE bluegrass scooter (arranged by Deirdre Donovan).

Suzy Thompson

The parade entry will encourage everyone to enjoy bluegrass music in Northern California and everyone is also invited to the open bluegrass jam that will follow the parade. Bring your instrument and join in!